
Everywhere you want to be

I dreamed that there were giant cockroaches scurrying around, except they looked more like a cross between a cockroach and a centipede and were the size of guinea pigs. There were also fast-moving lemon-sherbet-colored slugs with black polka dots. I was a little reluctant to get out of bed in the morning.

In the morning I had a meeting with Ms. Thu, one of the teachers I work with. Next semester I will be teaching her class about the US. She's giving me a lot of freedom and I'm really excited about what I can turn this class into.

Then, I needed to meet with my second-year students who are preparing for their final presentations. My favorite mistake was one point in a presentation about how to help impoverished children: "widen your arms for the poor children." It's not really that bad, but I had a sudden mental image of people working on fattening their arms for the sake of the poor children.

In the evening we went out for dinner as part of the ongoing series of pre-departure events for Morena. On the way, we passed a street that usually sells stuffed animals, but now was selling tiny Santa costumes. Apparently it is traditional in Vietnam to dress your children like Santa for Christmas. Trang also informed me that I look "charming, attractive, and sexy" when I wear a dress, but "mature and not at all sexy" when I wear a two-piece dress, aka shirt and skirt.

Note the future mini-Santa in the lower right corner

While some people waited for the food, some of us zipped over to the night market. My third time this week. I took the opportunity to take some photos of absurd English shirts. I tried to try on a pair of shorts, but the XL pair didn't make it too far past my knees. Sigh. At dinner I decided it was time to ask how to say 'bigger' and 'too small.'

"As described on the NASA Aquarius website, by measuring
ocean salinity from space, Aquarius will provide new insights..."

"Shocking new research: BEAUTYFUL"

Most eye conditions what?

Best news of the day: I have my passport back! With a proper visa!

1 comment:

  1. After reading this, and based on the fact that you told me there was a fat chance that you could get a Vietnamese hoodie in my size, I wonder what kind of people a regional production of the biggest looser would have.
