
A short ode to teachers

“To learn and never be filled, is wisdom; to teach and never be weary, is love.”

Today I bought my ticket to Ho Chi Minh City. My second one way ticket and my last one for a while. Next Sunday I'll be headed to the next nine months of my life.

As I embark on my meager days of teacher training, things are starting to sink in. I have taught before and I feel comfortable and confident, but the scale is vastly different. My semester of leading a weekly conversation class netted me 10 or 15 hours of teaching. Starting in a few weeks I'll be teaching 8 or 12 hours a week. For nine months. And I don't know what my host institution's expectations are, what the resources are, what the student's abilities are... I don't know much of anything. I go with the flow because I have no other choice, but it isn't always easy to swallow.

If I was ever a lazy student, it was to my own detriment. If I am ever a lazy teacher, it will be to everyone else's detriment. I have to be on top of my game every day. That's a tall order.

I'm appreciating my past teachers a little more today.


  1. Remember that you always have a choice. One choice is to struggle and do battle with the obstacles that stand between you, and your principles and dreams. Do not go with the flow, little one, move with determination. You do have it all in you. Your students willpower love you; and all you have to offer. Ahoo! !

  2. It sobering indeed being a teacher.
    Glad you found some appropriate shoes for the monsoon season!
    Michele, the supercuts lady, was so excited to know you are in her homecountry...she couldn't tell where you were going from the way i said it either! also got your amazing postcard today...only in Vietnam!
    Praying for you...love sandra
