
Last party

My last day in Ben Tre was spent more or less alternating between saying goodbye and packing. It started with goodbye breakfast with Thy at 730 am. Nhu was supposed to join us, but something came up last minute so she wasn't able to make it. My stomach has been feeling funny on and off for the last week or so (another reminder of my early days in Ben Tre), so I couldn't eat much at breakfast, but otherwise it went ok. It's so hard to feel a sense of conclusion with any of these goodbyes. I've been here so long and spent so much time with these people that I can't really wrap my mind around the fact that this is a pretty final goodbye. I've traveled enough while here that it's hard to remember that when I walk out the door tomorrow I won't be coming back in a few days.

I spent several hours packing. I had already packed one suitcase and thought I would be in great shape, but the mound of gifts I received yesterday forced me to start over again. I felt overwhelmed and a little desperate, but I was determined.

I had lunch with Mr. Vu. He has been working on his master's thesis all year and consequently spending most of his time in HCMC, so I didn't get to see him very often, but he is one of the teachers around whom I feel most comfortable. We chatted about his thesis research, and I got signed up to proofread his chapters once he starts writing them.

I spent more time packing and by some miracle (and letting go of more clothes than I originally intended) I eventually fit it all in. Trang lent me her scale and I'm weighing in at around 30kg. Not unreasonable for a year's worth of stuff and a treasure trove of gifts.

Hong and Anh came over to say goodbye. I spent a lot of time with them last semester; we usually went out together at least once a week, but then for some reason we stopped hanging out. Despite our long time no see, it was really nice to see each other one last time. After my day of packing, I was very happy to see that their farewell gift was two beaded rings. When the time came to say goodbye, Hong gave me a hug. It was the first time someone has initiated a hug in Vietnam, and it is something that had been missing from my other goodbyes, so it really meant a lot to me.

After a nap, it was time for my next and last goodbye party. It was actually a much delayed cast party for me and the third years who performed in the English conference, but given the date it got turned into a farewell. We went to one restaurant, where we had spring rolls made with goat breast meat and okra with a sesame marinade and soy-based sauce. We also had a blisteringly spicy seafood hotpot. Then the students read my mind and decided we should go out for embryonic duck eggs. These were the students who took me to try them for the first time, and it was only fitting that I have them one last time with them. So, we went to another place known for its shellfish, and two students got us all eggs on the way. We ate the eggs, as well as some shellfish in a tamarind sauce and some clams in a lemongrass ginger broth.

Party restaurant

I think none of us wanted the night to end, but eventually it was time to go home. One student, Trang, gave me a big hug and after that everyone else wanted one too. I was surprised that she was the one to start the trend, because out of the group she is maybe the one I would say I am least close to. But I felt loved by all of them.

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